Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I have exactly 12 minutes to write something on my blog. There is Young Womens tonight, and I have no idea what our group is doing there. I am home from Florida (which was fun, by the way), and I am home at last. Currently, I am looking at Funny Quotes on my computer because i got really, really, REALLY bored. I have a ton of stuff I should be doing, but of course, I avoid work. :)

It's been great to be home, and not be living out of a suitcase. I'm listening to my favorite soundtrack and music, while charging my laptop, while studying for math, while getting ready to go. And mom says I can't multitask!

Well, I guess I'd better get off. It's about time to go, and I do have to finish getting ready. I hope to see you all soon, just thought I should update my blog a little bit. Love ya!