Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I have exactly 12 minutes to write something on my blog. There is Young Womens tonight, and I have no idea what our group is doing there. I am home from Florida (which was fun, by the way), and I am home at last. Currently, I am looking at Funny Quotes on my computer because i got really, really, REALLY bored. I have a ton of stuff I should be doing, but of course, I avoid work. :)

It's been great to be home, and not be living out of a suitcase. I'm listening to my favorite soundtrack and music, while charging my laptop, while studying for math, while getting ready to go. And mom says I can't multitask!

Well, I guess I'd better get off. It's about time to go, and I do have to finish getting ready. I hope to see you all soon, just thought I should update my blog a little bit. Love ya!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I have decided that teachers at schools have a warped impression of what the meaning of "vacation" is. Their definition appears to be one where you stay at home and do a couple projects a day. Of course, this leaves you with hours of work everyday, almost like you're in school. Doesn't vacation mean having a break, or a little bit rest? It certainly doesn't feel like that.

I have done one project every day this week so far. I'm trying to save the last three days for my research paper, so I'm trying to shove all the other projects I have all together. It will be a hectic week, but, afterall, that's what teacher's think that the definition of vacation is. Well, I will just have to deal.

I'm watching American Idol with Amy next to me. She has decided that I am very tasty, and she has bitten into my shoulder. Of course, this has scared me greatly, but I have fought the urge to scream. Then, she started annoying me, and I am going to go to the other couch. Like always, one way or another, she has taken over the couch I had rightfully claimed. Of course, she doesn't want me to go, but I no longer have a choice. I love her, though!

This is just a minor update, just telling about my boring life. I wish everyone safety. I love you all! See you soon.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Long Time, No Write

It's been a really, really, REALLY long time since I've written on my blog. I just read the last post I made, the one about Amy and Michael, and I realized exactly how long those two have known each other. Wow, it's been a long time.

Anyhow, I'm well into the school year, and doing pretty well. First period is a pain, second period is a sigh of relief, third is a nightmare, and fourth is lunch. Most people hate that, but by ten in the morning, I'm STARVING! It's probably because of third period. Anyhow, fifth period scares me, sixth period is boring, abnoxious, and stupid, seventh is interesting, but vaguely abnoxious, eighth is when I take my naps, and ninth is completely pointless. All in all, a very interesting schedule.

So today, I helped Amy make cookies that looked like clown fish. We even added red balls of fruit roll-up as noses! It was adorable and everything. Then, Amy worked on another project, and I read a little bit. Which reminds me, I have a lot of reading to do. I have to finish my library books by next week, and I borrowed this other book from a sister in our ward that I should return pretty soon. Also, I have to catch up on my scripture reading for Seminary. Next week will be pretty full.

Next week is spring break (Finally!), and it's about time there was a break from school. I'm dead beat, even with the one day of school I missed (if anything, that's made it way worse). I had about five tests in one day, the day I missed, plus a research paper I was supposed to write the introduction for. Of course, I had six tests to take today to make up for it, plus the introduction to write. I took a test in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, and 8th period, plus wrote my intro in 9th. I hate it when I miss school. I don't know how I'm going to be able to survive the week-long band trip, especially when my research paper is due the week after. Bah, I'll deal with that when the time comes.

I want this week to be OVER. It feels like today's friday, but then I think about how it's really wednesday, and I groan inwardly. The only good thing about wednesday's is American Idol at 9. Of course, I shouldn't stay up that late (especially if I have to take a shower...), but I can't miss the results! It's the most important event of the week! (Just kidding, American Idol isn't everything in my life).

My mom is supposedly keeping me away from a large pack of twizzlers next to her, but I could just reach over and steal one, and she wouldn't stop me. I told her to keep them away from me so I wouldn't eat them, but I don't think she's really intent on it, and they look REALLY good... I'm gonna try and take one...

HA! Was I right, or was I right? I just reached over, and mom made no move, she didn't even try to stop me! And that is why, at this very moment, I am chewing on a delectable, twisty string of twizzler. Yum! But now, I'm gonna get a stomach ache, and then I won't be able to sleep, and then I'll feel really sick when I wake up, and I'll hate twizzlers for the rest of my life, and I can't bear that! But, as someone wise once said, "I'll cross that bridge when I get to it."

Well, I wish my luck and love to all, and hope to see you soon. I would like to meet Samuel soon, thank you very much (which means, I need a vacation, and I need to go to Utah, and I need to see my nephews and nieces! :) . It was great writing on this blog again. Thanks a lot!