Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I have decided that teachers at schools have a warped impression of what the meaning of "vacation" is. Their definition appears to be one where you stay at home and do a couple projects a day. Of course, this leaves you with hours of work everyday, almost like you're in school. Doesn't vacation mean having a break, or a little bit rest? It certainly doesn't feel like that.

I have done one project every day this week so far. I'm trying to save the last three days for my research paper, so I'm trying to shove all the other projects I have all together. It will be a hectic week, but, afterall, that's what teacher's think that the definition of vacation is. Well, I will just have to deal.

I'm watching American Idol with Amy next to me. She has decided that I am very tasty, and she has bitten into my shoulder. Of course, this has scared me greatly, but I have fought the urge to scream. Then, she started annoying me, and I am going to go to the other couch. Like always, one way or another, she has taken over the couch I had rightfully claimed. Of course, she doesn't want me to go, but I no longer have a choice. I love her, though!

This is just a minor update, just telling about my boring life. I wish everyone safety. I love you all! See you soon.

1 comment:

Tina and Joe Rankin said...

If we end up staying in UT, I asked your mom if you can come out and stay with us for part of the summer. We also will go and visit back East if we end up staying.