Friday, July 10, 2009


I know it's July and Summer's half over, but I just remembered the last time I wrote on my blog. The school year went so quickly, over in a split second. I had my graduation on the last day of school, but it didn't feel like it was summer. Maybe it was because it was chilly and wet. We had the ceremony inside because it was raining. At least I didn't trip going up the steps or down the slope. The slope was so long, it took forever to walk down. I was in the back rows when sitting down, and the slope had looked so small from there. I saw one of my highschool friends there. At the end of the ceremony, as we were all walking out the big double doors, I looked back at her. She waved, and I waved back. THEN I tripped. At least no one saw me!

I've got to do my Math Summer Assignment. It's due by the end of July, and I don't understand half of it. It's really hard, and all the stuff I've always hated. I don't want to do it. I also have to read 1984, the most boring book EVER! It goes on forever, especially about Winston's (Weston? Whatever the main characters name was) job at the Ministry of Truth. So stupid and annoying...

Love you all! Can't wait to see my nephews and nieces! Especially Samuel, whom I have not seen yet. I am very unhappy about that point. See you all soon!


Anonymous said...

We can't wait to see you again either. You need to talk mom and dad into letting you come out to Denver for a little while! Just kidding, that probably won't happen.


Jeff said...

1984 is a GREAT book! It is referenced all the time by TV shows, movies, newspaper articles, and other things...

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and remember...

Big Brother Is Watching :)

Christina said...

Gosh I HATE 1984! I just finished it, and I don't know how I was able to do it without falling asleep! Especially when the main character was reading that book, I was reading every word three times! Gah!